

Ah dessert.  Who doesn't like a sweet treat every now and then?  Of course, most of us tend to overindulge in sweets but sometimes the stressors of the day demand such luxury. Of course our friend, Ms. Crocker, has ideas on coffee and dessert parties.  To quote; "A dessert and coffee party scheduled for some… Continue reading Dessert


Day 3

Today was sort of busy/not busy.  Mostly a great deal of procrastinating on getting housework done. I managed to get laundry finished but still need to fold it.  During laundry time, I watched one of my favorite movies, "Gosford Park".  While I watched I worked on a sock but I didn't get any pictures. But… Continue reading Day 3



Spring break started this week and we really have no huge plans.  El is having a friend over this afternoon then ballroom lessons tonight.  I'm working on a new kirtle and playing around with my journal then probably going to work and a needlepoint project. I've been looking at lots of historical clothing lately.  I… Continue reading Break